Marcy G. was first connected with The Recovery Project during a Parkinson’s disease support group session. Having been newly diagnosed, Marcy was nervous about what her future would hold. She experienced tremors, frequent falls and loss of balance and, after a tour of The Recovery Project’s facilities, decided she would commit to getting the treatment she needed.
To ease her into the therapy process and calm her nerves, Marcy began treatments in a private space. After weeks of therapy, Marcy started to feel better following her sessions and looked forward to her next treatments and started gaining confidence in her ability to perform tasks.
Following three months of physical therapy, Marcy reported she was no longer falling and her balance was significantly better than when she started. Moreover, Marcy’s quality of life has remarkably improved and she can enjoy activities like baking with her grandchildren and traveling to see her family again. She also began a course of occupational therapy with The Recovery Project and, once complete, plans to enroll in the clinic’s dedicated Parkinson’s disease wellness programs, PWR! and Rock Steady Boxing.
Marcy’s lifelong commitment to wellness continues today as she incorporates exercise into her daily routine. Thanks to the quality care she has and continues to receive at The Recovery Project, she has the knowledge and tools needed to continue to improve and live a happy, healthy life.