Spinal Cord Injury

Providing physical, occupational, speech therapy and personal training for catastrophic injuries is
at the heart of what we do—it is why we were founded, and continues to be one of our most
effective programs today.

The Spinal Cord Injury Program makes The Recovery Project a truly unique place.  Our level of expertise draws patients with SCI (traumatic and non-traumatic) of all ages.  It also enables us to care for all levels of SCI injury’s, as well as SCI patients who are medically complex with multiple diagnoses (including those on ventilators).  Our treatment approach means that your therapy will be intensive and comprehensive- but always aligned with your state of healing as determined by your doctor.  SCI outpatient will participate in different types of therapy for 1 hour treatment sessions each, 2-5 days a week.   Patients who need assistance with a specific concerns, may work with our physical, occupational and/or speech therapist on an individual basis.  To make sure you have convenient access to the best ongoing rehabilitation, we offer evidence based treatments to you in your community and residence, if needed.  At discharge each patient is provided the option to participate in one of our wellness programs or continue to work on their recovery with an extensive home exercise program.

What is included in the outpatient program:

  • Individualized treatment program
  • Individualized schedule
  • Goal setting
  • Wheelchair seating and mobility
  • Patient-family insurance conference
  • Patient and family education
  • Planning for participation in a home exercise program and/or wellness program.

Each team member conducts initial evaluations with the patient.  Together, the patient, family and clinician establish an outpatient treatment plan with appropriate goals for the patient with a SCI.

Our therapists and trainers are both knowledgeable and trained in the latest SCI research. The
research states that recovery is derived from the principles of neuroplasticity, which allows our
clients to “reroute” their dysfunctional nervous system as it relates to strength, motor learning
and overall function. Our therapists/trainers are able to enhance these positive changes to the
nervous system by utilizing our state of the art equipment.

This program goes beyond the treatment interventions as we also perform manual/power
wheelchair assessments, DME assessments, identify adaptive equipment needs and hold monthly
team meetings to make sure all needs are being met. Thus the program takes an all-
encompassing approach to produce the greatest amount of recovery possible and promote the
highest quality of life.

Over 200 patients with a spinal cord injury have been treated at TRP in 2023.


Our therapists and trainers are both knowledgeable and trained in the latest SCI research. The research states that recovery is derived from the principles of neuroplasticity, which allows our clients to “reroute” their dysfunctional nervous system as it relates to strength, motor learning and overall function. Our therapists/trainers are able to enhance these positive changes to the nervous system by utilizing our state of the art equipment.

Our team effects positive changes to the nervous system
by utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, including

Supported Treadmill Training with LiteGait

LiteGait utilizes a harness system to safely practice ambulation overground or on the treadmill without fall risks.

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

FES can improve strength and walking ability, as well as decrease fatigue and risk of falling for individuals recovering from a stroke.

Redcord Suspension Training

Redcord suspension exercises allow exercises to be completed more easily in a gravity-minimized environment. This not only helps strengthen muscles, but also enhances dynamic joint stability, muscle co-activation, and muscle synergies.


TRP has highly skilled clinicians prepared to pair you with the best prosthesis for optimal function in your affected arm(s). Therapists have completed training in the Myopro device, Saebo Flex, and Bioness H200, and can help you obtain a device for home.


This is an FDA-approved treatment for dysphagia utilizing neuromuscular electrical stimulation to reeducate the muscles required for swallowing food. This intervention can greatly benefit a patient’s ability to swallow foods and strengthen their vocal cords.
The PEN program goes beyond treatment interventions, as we also perform manual/power wheelchair assessments, home evaluations, DME assessments, adaptive equipment needs consulting, and monthly meetings to make sure all needs are being met. Furthermore, upon acceptance into the program, patients are given a flash drive that has the information needed for a return to independence both at home and in the community (work, school, recreational activities). In this way, The Recovery Project takes a comprehensive, holistic approach that yields the greatest amount of recovery possible and promotes the highest quality of life.