Success Stories


Four-year-old Scarlet was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a rare genetic disorder impacting her ability to build muscle strength. As a type-two SMA patient, she had very little function of her legs, arms and hands. She had poor core and head control, and could only sit up if propped against something or someone and was completely dependent on family members for feedings and changings.
Scarlet began receiving therapy treatments at The Recovery Project in March 2017. At the same time, she was finishing her load dose of a radical new treatment for SMA called Spinraza—becoming the first person in Michigan to receive the newly-approved drug. Between her work at The Recovery Project and Spinraza, Scarlet has experienced major improvements.
In just four months, Scarlet has significantly improved her head control and is able to sit up independently without any support. She has gained strength and function in her arms, and can dangle and kick her legs—something she was previously unable to do. Her therapists have also been using electrical stimulation and weight bearing activities to continue improving her muscle strength, and she has even been practicing brushing her hair and feeding herself. The team at The Recovery Project also helped set Scarlet up with a home therapy program so she can continue her exercises even when she’s not at the clinic.
According to the makers of Spinraza, the types of results Scarlet has experienced at four months typically take six months or more to achieve. But thanks to the work of The Recovery Project coupled with this amazing new treatment, Scarlet has made significant progress as she, her family and the therapists at The Recovery Project continue to work together to help Scarlet achieve her goals.
“They are the most amazing group of people,” said Scarlet’s mom Hilary of the team at The Recovery Project. “They are so positive and everyone knows our names. They have the best high-end equipment—it’s the best therapy we’ve ever had.”

If you’re interested in keeping up with Scarlet’s progress, follow Scarlet’s Smile on Facebook.